Advent Day 12 | 2024 | A Kingdom Like No Other
Welcome to Advent—a season of fierce grace and unyielding joy. Stop. Breathe it in. The King has come, triumphing over the grave and reigning on high. Together, let’s follow the trail of His glory, stepping into the story of the Child who broke the back of darkness and carried the weary to freedom. May these devotions be a lantern for your path and a spark for your wonder.
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he, humble and mounted on a donkey.
Zechariah 9:9
Kings don’t usually arrive like this. Kings demand attention. They stride in with banners flying, armies marching, and horns blaring. They wear gold and jewels, sit on thrones, and wield power over trembling subjects. But the King of Kings came differently. No royal procession. No trumpets. His arrival was announced not in the courts of the mighty but to shepherds in a field. His bed wasn’t carved of ivory but laid with straw.
This King has come—but not as the world expected. In the quiet streets of Bethlehem, the One who commands angel armies entered the world as a Child. No royal banners marked His birth, yet the heavens split with angelic song. No golden crib held Him, yet the wise men laid treasures at His feet. Advent tells the story of the King who stooped low, not because He lacked glory, but because His glory is unmatched.
This King is not just meek—He is mighty. His throne is high, and His riches immeasurable. The Child who entered Jerusalem on a donkey will one day return on a white horse, wielding a sword to destroy the wicked and establish eternal justice. His humility in the incarnation was no sign of weakness but a display of strength. He came to conquer, not with earthly armies but with the power of righteousness. His crown was first of thorns, but it is now of glory. His rule is forever, and His enemies will not stand.
Advent reminds us that Christ is both the Lamb and the Lion. He came once in humility to save, and He will come again in majesty to reign. Rejoice, for your King has come, and His kingdom knows no end.
Lord Jesus, You are the King who brings peace. Thank You for coming in humility to save and reign. Teach me to live as a citizen of Your eternal kingdom and to rejoice in Your reign every day. Amen.
Action Point
Reflect on how Christ’s kingdom is different from the world’s. Find one way to model His humility and peace in your relationships today.