Advent Day 15 | 2024 | The Joy set before Us
Welcome to Advent—a season of fierce grace and unyielding joy. Stop. Breathe it in. The King has come, triumphing over the grave and reigning on high. Together, let’s follow the trail of His glory, stepping into the story of the Child who broke the back of darkness and carried the weary to freedom. May these devotions be a lantern for your path and a spark for your wonder.
Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:2
Joy. The word feels like it belongs to holidays and celebrations, to gifts and laughter. But what about joy in the middle of pain? What about joy that stands firm in the shadows, refusing to be snuffed out? That’s the kind of joy Christ carried to the cross—the kind of joy that Advent calls us to remember and reflect.
Christ’s joy wasn’t rooted in the ease of His circumstances. It wasn’t born from comfort or fleeting pleasures. His joy was the unshakable delight of knowing what lay beyond the suffering. It was the joy of redeeming His people, the joy of reconciling sinners to the Father, the joy of seeing the story of salvation fulfilled. For this joy, He endured the cross. For this joy, He scorned the shame.
Advent reminds us that this same joy is ours. Not a joy born from the absence of trials but from the presence of Christ. This joy doesn’t deny the pain of life but sees through it to the hope on the other side. It’s a joy rooted in the truth that the King has come, redemption is accomplished, and eternal glory awaits.
So, as you navigate the shadows of life, remember the joy set before you. The road isn’t easy, but the destination is sure. Christ walked the hard road to bring you to the Father. Now, He calls you to follow with joy—not a fleeting emotion but a deep, abiding gladness that carries you through.
Lord Jesus, thank You for the joy set before You that carried You through the cross to glory. Teach me to live with that same joy, trusting in Your promises and rejoicing in Your salvation. Amen.
Action Point
Reflect on how Christ’s joy in redeeming you can shape your perspective on trials. Write down one way you can embrace His joy in your life today.