Advent Day 16 | 2024 | The Humility of Christ
Welcome to Advent—a season of fierce grace and unyielding joy. Stop. Breathe it in. The King has come, triumphing over the grave and reigning on high. Together, let’s follow the trail of His glory, stepping into the story of the Child who broke the back of darkness and carried the weary to freedom. May these devotions be a lantern for your path and a spark for your wonder.
Though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.
Philippians 2:6-7
A King whose throne is older than time, whose palace stretches across the universe, whose every word sends galaxies spinning into place; a King so mighty that the armies of heaven bow in a whisper. And yet, this King does something no other king would ever dream of. He steps low in humility. He empties himself of that glorious form and descends, not with fanfare but in silence, slipping into the frailty of flesh.
The King of Kings chose to be born, not in a golden crib, but in a feeding trough. The hands that held the cosmos curled into tiny fists. The voice that thundered at Sinai cried out in hunger. He who had no limits emptied Himself, not because He had to, but because He wanted to. He wanted you.
This is the humility of Advent. The God who made the world entered it as its most vulnerable inhabitant. He didn’t come to be served but to serve. He didn’t come to demand a worldly throne but to carry a cross. His humility wasn’t weakness—it was strength beyond imagining, love beyond comprehension.
This King who stooped so low calls you to follow Him. Not to grasp for your glory but to lay it down. Not to cling to pride but to walk in humility. Advent reminds us that the greatest power is found in the greatest humility, and the King who came low is calling us to do the same. It is the meek that inherit the earth.
Lord Jesus, You are the King who came low to save me. Your humility amazes me. Teach me to follow Your example, to lay down my pride, and to serve others with the love You’ve shown me. Amen.
Action Point
Find one way to practice humility today—serve without recognition, love without expectation, or confess your pride to the Lord. Reflect on the King who came low for you.