Advent Day 8 | 2024 | The Shepherd and the Sheep
Welcome to Advent—a season of fierce grace and unyielding joy. Stop. Breathe it in. The King has come, triumphing over the grave and reigning on high. Together, let’s follow the trail of His glory, stepping into the story of the Child who broke the back of darkness and carried the weary to freedom. May these devotions be a lantern for your path and a spark for your wonder.
I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
John 10:11
Sheep aren’t known for their brilliance. They wander, panic, and get stuck. They don’t fend off wolves or find their way home. But they don’t need to. Sheep aren’t safe because they’re smart; they’re safe because they have a shepherd.
And you have a Shepherd. Not just any shepherd—a Good Shepherd. Christ doesn’t yell from a distance or punish the wandering. He leaves the ninety-nine to chase you down. He carries you on His shoulders, fights off the wolves, and heals your wounds.
Advent reminds us of this Shepherd who laid down His life for His sheep. He didn’t hesitate, didn’t hold back. The manger led to the cross, where He fought the greatest enemy—death—and won. You are His. And in His arms, you are safe.
Lord, thank You for being my Good Shepherd. Teach me to hear Your voice, to trust Your care, and to rest in the safety of Your arms. Amen.
Action Point
Reflect on a time when you felt lost but were brought back by Christ’s care. Thank Him for being the Shepherd who never lets you go.