Advent Day 9 | 2024 | Feast for the Weary
Welcome to Advent—a season of fierce grace and unyielding joy. Stop. Breathe it in. The King has come, triumphing over the grave and reigning on high. Together, let’s follow the trail of His glory, stepping into the story of the Child who broke the back of darkness and carried the weary to freedom. May these devotions be a lantern for your path and a spark for your wonder.
Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.’
John 6:35
Hunger is relentless. It gnaws at the edges of life, a constant reminder of our frailty. You eat, and then you’re hungry again. You drink, and the thirst comes back. The world offers feasts that promise satisfaction—success, possessions, recognition—but they don’t last. They never do. You’re full one moment, empty the next.
And then, Christ stands before the crowd, and says, “I am the bread of life.” He is not just offering food; He is offering Himself. He knows your hunger isn’t just physical—it’s spiritual. It’s the ache in your soul that no meal, no success, no relationship can fill. The emptiness you feel at the core of your being? That’s a hunger for Him.
Advent tells the story of the Bread of Life coming to satisfy the deepest hunger of humanity. The Child in the manger didn’t come to bring temporary relief; He came to end the famine of the soul. He entered a world of empty tables and full hearts, hearts overflowing with pride, greed, and sin. And He flipped it upside down. The humble were filled. The poor were fed. The broken were made whole.
He satisfies, not simply with what He gives, but with who He is. When you come to Him, the hunger that drives you fades away—not because life becomes perfect, but because you find the One who is perfect. The feast of Advent is here, and it is Christ Himself.
Lord Jesus, You are the Bread of Life, the only One who can satisfy my soul. Teach me to come to You when I am hungry, and fill me with Your presence. Thank You for being my sustenance in a world that leaves me empty. Amen.
Action Point
Reflect today on the things you’ve been running to for satisfaction. Surrender them to Christ, and ask Him to fill you with His life-giving presence.