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Advent Day 2 | 2024 | The Invitation to Rest

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Matthew 11:28-30

Stop. Just for a moment. Stop the madness of schedules, the scramble for perfection, the spinning plates. This world loves to pile weight on your shoulders—your job, your family, your failures, your fears. It whispers that you’re not enough and then shouts that you should try harder. And so, you keep moving, tired but relentless, as though your soul could carry the weight of the world.

But listen. Do you hear Him? His voice cuts through the noise, gentle and firm, calling: “Come to me.” He doesn’t offer you escape; He offers you rest. The kind of rest that runs deeper than a nap or a weekend off. The kind of rest that heals what’s broken, fills what’s empty, and quiets what’s restless.

This is Advent. The King has come—not to crush you with His greatness but to lift you with His gentleness. He is the shepherd who carries His sheep, the teacher who lightens the load. His yoke is easy, not because life will be painless, but because His strength shoulders the weight.

So lay it down—all of it. The shame, the striving, the guilt, the fear. The hands that hold the universe are open to hold you, too. He doesn’t demand strength; He gives it. He doesn’t ask for perfection; He is it. Come to Him, weary soul. Rest is not a reward for the strong. It is a gift for the weak.


Lord Jesus, You are my rest and my refuge. Teach me to stop striving and to trust You. Help me to lay down my burdens and take up Your yoke, knowing that You are gentle and lowly in heart. Let Your strength fill my weakness today. Amen.

Action Point

Today, find a quiet place, close your eyes, and ask Christ to take the burdens you’ve been carrying. Name each one before Him, and let His promise of rest be your strength.




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