Devotions, Featured

Yet Not I, But Through Christ in Me

Dear brothers and sisters,

We live in an era intoxicated by selfism, where the world swallows the lie that we are the masters of our own fate. But we, Christians, are called to a different path—a narrow road where every step is empowered not by our meagre might but by the indwelling presence of Christ Himself. The Apostle Paul doesn’t hand us a mere poetic embellishment when he says, “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. (Galatians 2:20)” This isn’t a decorative verse; it’s the sure foundation of the Christian walk.

Living as Christ Moves

A walk where every movement you make is orchestrated by Christ Himself. When you extend a helping hand, it’s His mercy flowing through you. When you speak truth, it’s His voice cutting through the deceit of this world. This isn’t about pinning Christ onto the edges of our lives like a decorative accessory while we continue charting our own course. It’s about being so intimately united with Him that His will becomes the driving force of our existence. We aren’t simply adding a spiritual layer to our agenda; we’re surrendering our agenda entirely so that His actions are carried out through us. We’re not just trudging along behind Him; we’re keeping stride with Him, His heartbeat syncing with ours.

Reflecting Christ to Others

Our aim isn’t to be spiritual mannequins, adorned with hollow religiosity. We strive to see Him so vividly that others can’t help but see Him when they look at us. We’re called to be mirrors, polished to reflect the blinding glory of God into a world that prefers the comfortable gloom of its own making. This doesn’t happen by slapping a fish sticker on your car or posting a Bible verse beneath your latest selfie. It comes from immersing ourselves so deeply in His presence that His attributes permeate every fiber of our being.

Our Resolutions and What We Hold

What anchors your soul when the storms blow? Is your resolution singular? To know Christ and Him crucified. We cling to the promises of God like a sailor clings to the mast during a tempest—not out of sheer desperation, but with unshakable confidence that the mast is rooted in the very sovereignty of God.

The Race, the Fight, and Numbered Days

Let us recognize that we are in a race demanding true perseverance and steadfast endurance. This journey requires commitment and spiritual strength, not flimsy defenses built on wishful thinking or superficial efforts.

We must not deceive ourselves—our days are numbered. Time is passing, and delaying obedience only steals the opportunities God has given us. We aren’t running without direction or fighting without purpose. We have a clear mission from God Himself, serving a Commander who has already secured the victory through His own sacrifice.

So let’s set aside anything that hinders us and run with endurance the race before us. Equip yourselves with the strength God provides, stand firm in your faith, and know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

The journey may be challenging, and the path may be narrow, but we press on because we have a purpose ordained by God and a hope that is secure in Christ. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus and run this race with confidence, knowing He is with us every step of the way.

Hope Does Not Put Us to Shame

In this cynical age, hope is often marketed as little more than a fool’s optimism. But our hope is a steadfast anchor, unyielding and immovable. It doesn’t put us to shame because it’s rooted in the immutable character of God Almighty. This hope fuels our endurance and ignites our courage. It’s the quiet yet unbreakable confidence that the good work He began in us will be carried on to completion—not because of our reliability, but because of His unwavering faithfulness.

How Then Shall We Sing?

Given all this, how should we sing? Certainly not as a half-hearted prelude to the “main event,” nor as a rote exercise to check off our religious to-do list. We ought to sing as warriors who know the battle is won yet remain vigilant on the field. Our songs are anthems of grace, battle cries of mercy, harmonies of indomitable hope. When we lift our voices, we declare truths that shatter strongholds and send the forces of darkness scrambling.

Consider the themes we’ve embraced: the grace that breathes life into our dead bones, the joy that sustains us amidst trials, the freedom bought with the precious blood of Christ, and the rock-solid assurance that He will bring us safely home. Let these truths resonate deep within you—not merely vibrating your vocal cords but stirring your very soul. Sing not just with your lips but with lives that echo the melody of redemption.

Closing Charge

So then, let us move as Christ moves within us, see Him so clearly that others cannot help but see Him reflected in us. Hold fast to our sacred resolutions, and run the race with the urgency of those who know their time is short. Anchor yourselves in a hope that does not disappoint, and lift your voices in songs that magnify His immeasurable grace.

Remember, it’s not about striving in our own strength but about surrendering to His mighty power. “Yet not I, but through Christ in me.” This is the anthem of the redeemed, the battle cry of the faithful, the humble acknowledgment that all we are and all we hope to be is found in Him alone.





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