Business, Featured

Starting a new business

Just the other day, I had the distinct pleasure of praying at the launch of a new local business here in town. Here’s a little snapshot of what I shared with the fine folks who gathered for the occasion.

Friends, as we gather to inaugurate this business, let us remember that every good and perfect gift comes from above, from the Father of lights, in whom there is no variation of shadow of turning. Today is not merely about the cutting of a ribbon, but about stewardship. What we have here, in this room, are talents in the form of skills, resources, and opportunities, all entrusted to us by our Master, who has called us to use them for His glory.

The Parable of the Talents is no soft encouragement, but a sharp reminder that what we do with what we’ve been given reflects our understanding of the One who gave it. To those entrusted with five talents, God expects the diligent work of turning five into ten. And to those entrusted with two talents, God expects no less faithfulness. The one who buried his talent, out of fear or laziness, was not merely scolded for poor performance—he was cast out as a wicked servant. Let that sober us all. What is before us today is not just a venture, but a holy responsibility to maximise the talents God has entrusted to us.

Therefore, I charge you all, as you see the doors of this business open today, that we all would labor likewise as those who will one day give an account. Work, not as for man, but for the Lord of heaven and earth, knowing that He watches not just your bottom line, but the manner in which you go about your work. In every deal, every handshake, and every transaction, may Christ be honoured. In every service undertaken, may His name be lifted high, and in every success, may you remember that it is not you who make it grow, but God who gives the increase.

Let this business not be merely about profit, though profit may come; let it be about serving, creating, and building in such a way that it reflects the Lordship of Christ over all things. For His dominion is over every inch of this world, including the marketplace, and our calling is to reflect His truth, beauty, and goodness in how we conduct ourselves.

May this business be a blessing to all who come in contact with it, from employees to clients, from partners to competitors. May your hands be diligent, your mind sharp, and your heart full of generosity, knowing that the talents are not yours to keep, but to multiply for the sake of the Kingdom. And at the end of all things, when the books are closed and the accounts are settled, may we all hear those glorious words: ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your Master.’

So go forth now, in the name of Christ, to labor, to serve, to build, and to glorify the One who has entrusted you with this work. And may the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be upon you and establish the work of your hands.

To Him be glory forever and ever. Amen.




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